Kuini Blade

Youth worker


He uri tēnei nō Muriwhenua. I tipu ake ia i Te Whānganui-a-Tara, i Wairarapa hoki. 

Kuīni was in Year 12 at Wellington High School when she became a teina within the Kura Wānanga. This experience allowed her to grow into herself and deepen her connection to her taha Māori. Through her time as a teina, Kuīni developed a strong sense of servitude, which inspired her to pursue a career in youth work. The support she received from her tuakana (mentors) was highly formative, and she is committed to giving back to the rangatahi in her community. 

Currently, Kuīni is in her first year of the full immersion reo Māori program, working towards a Poutuarongo Reo (Bachelor in Te Reo Māori) at Te Wānanga o Raukawa. She has a passion for music, mahi toi, whānau, and her haumis. 

As a kaiārihi for the Kura Wānanga, Kuīni is driven by her understanding of the significance and impact that tuakanatanga can have for rangatahi. Her journey within te ao Māori and growing her understanding of where she comes from ground her in shaping her future. 


Mikaere Hiroti


Ruth Prentice