Jahzalia Hollis

Youth Worker


Ko Taiwānanga te moana

Ko Taupiri te maunga

Ko Te Atihau te marae

Ko Ngāti Hikairo te hapū

Ko Rongomaiwahine e Ngāti Porou ngā iwi

No Māhia ahau

Ko Emily toku māmā

Ko Jahzalia toku ingoa

Jahzalia (Rongomaiwahine, Ngāti Porou) hails from the great peninsula of Māhia, Hawke's Bay. She's been involved with BGI since she was in year 10, as a Journeys young person. Later on, she began helping to run the programme during weekly sessions and school holidays.

These days, Jahzalia is an experienced Journeys team mate and youth worker. She feels grateful to have received a scholarship to study youth work after year 13 and loves now being part of the BGI team!

Te reo Māori is what Jahzalia enjoys practicing, both in her own time and through working with rangatahi Māori. It enables her to learn more about her whakapapa and Māoritanga. It's also connected to her love of singing waiata. At BGI, you'll often hear her before you see her!

Thinking back several years, Jahzalia says having help with her time management definitely would've set her up for success. She's developing that skill now. 


Jonty Godfrey


Daniel Kumar