Paper Bag Lunch

Paper Bag Lunch (PBL) is run in partnership with Onslow College, Wellington Girls College, and Wellington Girls East, as well as whānau for rangatahi with disabilities who are transitioning into the workforce.  

During weekly sessions throughout the school term, our NCEA students learn how to make simple and delicious kai (food).  

PBL cooking activities are all designed to cater to diverse needs; our young people receive personalised help from our coordinators and trained volunteers.  As well as cooking, our young people are also involved in a range of active recreation and play activities.

The ultimate goal is to have fun together and make friends, while developing capability and confidence in the kitchen. We love to see PBL rangatahi come out of sessions feeling happy, full, and proud of their creations. 

We're also excited to be able to present pathways for our students to further education. Multiple enthusiastic PBL students have been accepted into the NZ Certificate in Skills for Living for Supported Learners (Level 1). We’re keen to see more of this success in the future! 

When: 9.30-11.30am on Mondays and Tuesdays

Where: BGI Community Kitchen 

If you know a young person with disabilities who might benefit from Paper Bag Lunch, or you’d like to learn more, get in contact with Helen today! 



